Your Peace

We stress over so much in life. Alot of what we stress over is our fault. We never really sit back an analyze ourselves. We allow all different types of vibes and energies to come into our life, then holler we want peace. Take the time to analyze how that stress became a reality. You cant change people but you can change how things work into your life. Preople will come and try to destroy you. They do that by gaining your trust or getting in your head. If it feels wrong or your start to question then go with that gut feeling. Like #internetbestie says Protect your peace. You do this you protect yourself from destruction.

Talks Time with Zee #internetbestie

Day 365

As the last few hours of 2018 wind down I must say thank you. Thanks to all that have stayed for this bitch of a ride. Since the last I wrote a lot has happened. I became really sad and didnt want to write or do anything for that matter. Once I got over it, the procrastination started, then the worrying. I just became lost. The transplant evaluations were put to a hault. Well the Friday before Christmas i was told I wouldnt be put on the list. Why? Well because i dont have a working esophagus. The transplant will make ne more sick that i am. Sucks but in a way I’m relieved. I was always scared it wouldn’t take. Then that would be tragic on my end. Ive realized that it’s going to be ok though. I look at it as i was denied because it wouldn’t have worked. I have found that i have mixed connective tissue disease as well.

All 2018 I’ve been stopping myself and punishing myself for choices and overthinking and just being too concerned with the consequences thay I forgot to live. 2018 tried to take my spirit. But guess who is still here.

For 2019 I am living. I am walking away from deception, fear, self doubt, procrastination, and self sabotage. I am walking with God by my side, angels cheering me on, and love for myself.

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